
When I was a child I was lucky enough to have an older brother who was mega talented both musically and artistically and I did everything I possibly could to keep up with him. From a very young age we would draw every single day, often copying images from comics and books we took out of the library. Anytime I struggled with a drawing he was there to 'teach' me how to improve a certain aspect to achieve better results. 

 When I was a child I was lucky enough to have an older brother who was mega talented both musically and artistically and I did everything I possibly could to keep up with him. From a very young age we would draw every single day, often copying images from comics and books we took out of the library. Anytime I struggled with a drawing he was there to 'teach' me how to improve a certain aspect to achieve better results. 

When I turned 10, we could draw circles around any of the other kids in school and even had people asking to buy our pictures. I continued to draw obsessively until I discovered the electric guitar at age 12 at which point ALL of my attention took a significant turn.

During that time, for about 6 years, I barely drew at all and was only concerned with writing songs and practicing my instrument. But something very strange happened one day which led to the type of otherworldly, erotic type drawings I now continue to do. 

I was 18 or so and was looking at a blank piece of paper when suddenly an image appeared, as if projected on, and quickly I grabbed a pen and traced what I was seeing. It didn’t feel planned at all, it just happened. I drew what I saw in front of me. This continued to happen so often that I decided to invest in a sketch pad and have since done hundreds if not thousands of these types of compositions.

Everytime I draw it is a complete surprise and I have no will or control over what is being created, if I am being honest it doesn't even feel like I draw them.

While doing these drawings, a different level of creativity steered me to a state of mind that was so open and free that I felt non-present when it arrived. A complete quietness of mind was needed for them to appear

At first the drawings felt much deeper and more pure than the music I was making but eventually the same thing started happening with the songs. Nowadays I never 'try' to write music, I let the song come to me, suddenly out of the blue. It is a simple process of capturing what seems to already be there.